The Health Disparities Podcast

The Health Disparities Podcast is the world’s leading health equity discussion forum and is a program of Movement is Life. This podcast features thought leaders in the world of equitable health, and highlights health disparities, social determinants of health and community-led solutions.

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Friday Jan 24, 2020

Orthopedic surgeon Tamara Huff, MD was inspired by her mothers’ interest in carpentry (and her power tool collection) to take her medical career path, ultimately leading to the operating room.

Friday Jan 10, 2020

Although fee-for-service payments may encourage volume without rewarding quality, bundled payments may incentivize providers to avoid patients more prone to complications...

Friday Dec 27, 2019

In some faith-based communities there has been an evolving sense of what constitutes transformation and salvation. Harlem native Rev. Willis Steele discusses the health needs of the congregations and communities he works with, his experience of integrating health into faith practice, and how mental health support can be complementary to spirituality. Rev. Steele also describes an inter-generational initiative helping aspiring “silver surfers” cross the digital divide by accessing online health information and reducing disparities. With Rolf Taylor.

Friday Dec 13, 2019

Yale hip and knee surgeon Daniel Wiznia, MD, used a “secret shopper” methodology to research and reveal patterns of appointment making that seem to indicate a marked preference for commercial insurance on the part of some surgery providers, which creates a barrier to access for Medicare and Medicaid patients. Is this a negative consequence of the bundled payments ushered in by the ACA reforms, and can risk-adjustments help solve the problem? With Bill Finerfrock.

Friday Nov 29, 2019

Working in Wyoming where there are only two humans per square mile (on average), nurse practitioner Mary Behrens, MS, FNP-BC, FAANP provides vital health care capacity to mainly rural populations. In this podcast she describes the role of the nurse practitioner, a discipline that is growing rapidly. She also discussed some of the ways a nurse practitioner can help reduce health disparities – from recognizing the unique and complex needs of patients with comorbidities, to facilitating physical therapy and physical activity. With Rose Gonzalez. 

Friday Nov 15, 2019

As a practicing orthopedic nurse, teacher, and the president of the New York chapter of the National Association of Orthopedic Nurses, Doreen Johnson, MSN, RN, ONC brings many years of experience to her patients, students and colleagues. In this episode of the Health Disparities Podcast she discusses the importance of work done by the Movement is Life Caucus and Steering Committee in developing resources designed to reduce MSK disparities. Doreen believes it is vital to remind arthritis patients that “sitting is the new smoking”, and that physical activity is key to breaking the vicious cycle of health conditions worsening each another, particularly arthritis pain, diabetes, heart disease and depression. With Rose Gonzalez.

Friday Nov 01, 2019

Researcher Shreyasi Deb, PhD, MBA, became interested in health disparities when studying economics, and has since applied this perspective to understanding public health. At the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Shreyasi is looking at the positives and negatives of bundled payment models and the unintended policy consequences around value-based care. Are some patients already experiencing inequity and exclusion? Can we address the unique socioeconomic and multiple comorbidity aspects of each patient in a post fee-for-service world by spending more on social services? With Bill Finerfrock.

Friday Oct 18, 2019

When an accomplished surgeon sees his own father struggle with arthritis, he knows there are some structural problems in play. HSS surgeon Dr. Michael Parks shares some insights into the processes behind health disparities (or health differences as he prefers to say). Why do some people steadily progress through the steps of intervention, but others languish? What role does race and gender play? Dr. Parks also discusses why the WHO sees health disparities as a social injustice, and why a new bill sponsored by Congressman John Lewis is so important to health equality. With Bill Finerfrock.

Friday Oct 04, 2019

Tammy Huff, MD discusses how rural health disparities are driven by many logistical challenges in remote and underserved areas, where limited public transport and hospital closures make access to care increasingly difficult. Bundled payments may be adding to these challenges by asking providers to carry more risk. Low health literacy, high medical co-morbidities and risk factors such as tobacco use are more prevalent in these rural areas, making many patients care management more complex. Are these factors increasing disparities by making surgeons more cautious about proceeding with procedures? Can different payment models mitigate these problems? With Bill Finerfrock.

Friday Sep 27, 2019

Deborah Coplin-Hall, MS, RN and Carla Harwell, MD discuss how nurses have been at the forefront of screening patients for social determinants for decades, only now are social determinants and cultural competency being taught, structured and systematized. Deborah describes some important progress being made with health disparities, such as increasing the minimum wage in her city of Buffalo, NY, and she explores the impact of gentrification on communities of color. Deborah has successfully married her work as a nurse with an active role in the church, where strong emphasis on engagement in personal health has been integrated with faith-based activities. She also discusses countering “the brush off” by asking physicians the right questions and making sure care providers fully listen and respond to patient concerns.

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